
As of July 2018 I am not taking any new bookings going forward.

26-27th - Mad B's Quilt and Sew AZ

8-9th New York Guild

17-18thWinter Quiltfest MI

20-21th Prescott AZ Quilt Guild

24th  Quilted Dog MN 

4-5th Patchers at the Lakeshore Muskegon, MI

21 - 22nd Connecticut Quilt Guild/Quilt Shop

6-7th Heaven on Earth Quilt Shop IN

9-10th Ilion Piecemakers Quilt Guild in Ilion, NY. 

20-21st  Piecemakers Quilt Club Forks, WA

3rd-6th Old Town Fabrics
Chillicothe, OH

16th-21st Quilt Market Portland, OR 

21st Fabric Depot Demo/Trunk Show
